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Q: How do I place my order?
A: Email us your order and shipping address. We will reply back to you with a shipping quote. If you have any questions or would rather call we can be reached at (570) 226-2717.
Q: How do we determine shipping costs?
A: The size and weight of your order and the distance to your delivery address. Shipping is cheaper when the customer picks up at their nearest terminal rather than shipped residential to your home. Both options are available.
Q: How long will it take for my order to reach me?
A: Hazmat freight shipments on average take 5-7 days to reach you. You will receive tracking information for your shipment.
Q: What forms of payment do you accept?
A: All major credit cards. Please note there is a 3% fee for credit card.
Q: What are the taxes on fireworks?
A: Items that are classified as Safe & Sane (non-aerial) will have a 6% state tax applied. All other items will have a 6% state tax plus a 12% fireworks tax. If a sales tax license is provided, neither tax is applied.
Q: What states do you ship to?
A: We ship year round to all states except the following:
Alaska, California, Delaware, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington D.C.
-We cannot ship to APO/FPO or P.O. Boxes.
-We do not ship outside the USA.
Q: I am not sure of the firework laws in my area? You ship to my state so they must be legal?
A: To avoid confiscation or possible fines, make sure that fireworks are legal in your state. Please become familiar with local guidelines and regulations prior to placing an order, as this is the customer's responsibility! Neither Big D's Fireworks nor the shipping companies know all of the exact county or local laws for your state and we are not responsible if your shipment gets confiscated and/or possible fines.
​​Q: Are fireworks legal in my state?
A: Even in states where fireworks are legal or permitted, certain counties and cities may have additional restrictions. Your local fire department will usually be aware of local firework laws in your area. Please consult with your local officials before placing your order. It is your responsibility, not that of Big D's Fireworks, to ensure that you can legally possess these fireworks.
Q: What do I do when the truck arrives?
A: Delivery drivers are not responsible for unloading your order. Packages will be placed on the tailgate of the truck. If your order is unable to be delivered to your home you are responsible for picking up your order from the nearest terminal. The trucking company will call you 24 - 48 hours ahead of time to schedule your delivery using the phone number you provide during the checkout process.
Q: My boxes have been damaged during shipment?
A: We are not responsible for damage, lost, misdirected, or stolen merchandise. Always inspect your order and have the driver note any damages on the delivery receipt before signing. Once you have the shipping paperwork with the drivers note of damage it will be up to you to contact the carrier and open a claim.
Q: I need my order before July 4th? Can you guarantee a delivery date?
A: We are unable to guarantee a delivery date and will make every attempt to ship your order in time for delivery. When placing your order, please allow enough time for any unforeseen delays in processing, transit and delivery. In most cases orders take 3-10 days for delivery.
Q: I placed an order a few days ago and decided to cancel the order?
A: Once your order is placed in the possession of the shipping carrier, ownership passes to you. Once your fireworks have been shipped, they can NEVER be returned. Do not order fireworks if there is any chance you may not want them when they arrive. All sales are final.
Q: Your products caused damage or harm to my person and/or property?
A: We are not responsible for the use, misuse, confiscation or malfunction of our merchandise. Any injuries or such that may occur are not our responsibility. We recommend a distance of at least 125' to 150' radius clear of people and property when using fireworks. Please remember that fireworks are fun, but they are not toys. If you are confused or have a question about the use or function of any of our products, please contact us before use. We are very knowledgeable of our products.
​Please remember safety comes first and then fun!
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